Last night was the 3rd Annual Zombie Hash and it was AWESOME! During a normal hash - is that such a thing? - a trail is pre-laid by a "hare" (with markings like flour or flags) and the "hounds" try to find and run it. Some of the time the hare lays the trail "live" and the hounds try to catch the hare. Last night, the hounds tried to run the trail, however the four hares were zombies...and after a hair-raising 13 minute head start, they began to chase the hounds down. Out of 28 runners, only 11 made it to the Hash Halt (kind of a 3/4-way point) , including me and the "virgin" I brought. At the end of the run, only 7 survived - including us! It was definitely a lot of fun - we hid in bushes along the side of the streets and under someone's scrap wood trailer, ran through mud and water, waded through waist-deep water and more. The first time we ran out of the woods and into the fields, it felt exactly like I was on The Walking Dead - probably something that many people don't experience, and another amazing feeling that running has given me.