I headed back to the Tube and ended up at the DLR platform where I spotted a celebrity. I actually misread the timetable for the DLR and could have caught a train to the ExCeL center sooner, but I'm glad I didn't. I was just soaking everything in - these were my first hours in London! - looking at the architecture, the people, how they dressed, listening to their accents, everything! When...while waiting on the platform...a rather handsome blonde caught my eye, and then I did a double-take. He looked familiar and just as we made significant eye contact, I realized who it was. Ed Speleers! Who to me, will always be Eragon, but to most people in America (who watch Downton Abbey), he's better known as James "Jimmy" Kent, the footman. After freaking out inside and realizing that I'd never get a photo of him without being creepy (because of the aforementioned eye contact), I just made my way around the crowd and asked if he minded if I took a picture with him. He kind of laugh-scoffed and said "Sure." I said, "You're Ed, right?" He said, "Yup," and smiled. I introduced myself, held out my hand and he shook it. *sigh* I took the photo, said it was nice to meet him, and that was that. Then the train came and he got in the same car as me! I was still shaking as I updated my facebook status. I didn't want to bother him, so I just kind of ignored him after that. He got off the same stop as me, so I started thinking "Maybe he's running the marathon too." But, after I got into ExCeL, I waited by the front doors and I didn't see him come in, so either he was avoiding me (lol) or he stopped somewhere else...because I googled him later and found out that he was running this year's marathon (which would be his third one). In any case, it was a wild series of events that led to meeting my first celebrity in London. I was sure to see celebrities every day! Alas, it would be my only one. But it was still awesome!