I had my first post-operative appointment this afternoon. I was unsure if this was just a check-up or the results would be back. I waited for an hour - this place is always busy, as I've said - and was finally brought in and met by a USF Resident in Orthopedics. He took off my nasty bandages, asked me a few questions, said the site looked good and that he would go and get Dr. Cruse. He would double check for the pathology results as they were not back when he checked the computer the first time.
I waited another five minutes and they both came back, said "Hello," and started looking at some paperwork. When they told me the lymph nodes were negative, I was so relieved - the results had just come in! I knew there was a chance of a false negative (meaning, the nodes come up as a negative, but the cancer has spread anyway) and he explained to me that there is a 1 to 5% chance of that being true. At this time, no further treatment is warranted. I asked if they could run any further tests, but the answer was the same. I go back in one month for another check-up, and then again after five months, after which I will be referred back to my original dermatologist (the one that decided to send the mole off for tests in the first place - we like her!) and start regular dermatological screenings. Go see a dermatologist!!!
I can shower as normal, treat the area with lotion, and start scar massage in another nine days. I will need to trade out my work shorts for work pants, get a better hat, remember to use sunscreen every day, and possibly get some type of sunblocking agent with which to treat my clothes in the wash. I can start running in a week, which means I miss this Saturday's 14 miles, but I will be good for February 23rd's Gasparilla Half Marathon and certainly for the London Marathon in April.
Many thanks to everyone for their support, kind words, thoughts and prayers.
(Funny) side note: I included a photo of my bracelets from all my Moffitt appointments. After my first visit, I got home and went to cut the bracelet off and cut my 'Stop Rhino Poaching' one off too. Oops. I have since replaced it. The green one is the surgical allergy bracelet. 10 points to Gryffindor if you know the acronym. ;)