The doctor came in for only a few minutes, and while he was there, he scolded me for being pink, as in my face - something anyone who knows me can attest to that I've been that way for a very long time. I have a pink complexion. And then, he got a phone call. He stayed on the phone for the next few minutes while the nurse practitioner tried to get an answer out of him as to whether or not I needed to come back. It seemed she decided that I didn't need to come back, just keep my regular appointments with my dermatologist. And I was finished. His bedside manner aside, I was happy to leave, and hope I never have to go back.
I had a previously scheduled dermatology appointment a few days later and nothing was found. Always good to hear that from Robin! I am to return to the dermatologist every 3-4 months for a skin screening, pretty much for the rest of my life. But, I will do that, as the alternative is much worse. I am very thankful this time was caught so early.