I had been chugging along since my last race on Labor Day weekend, thinking 'December 1st...December 1st.' To figure out when I needed to start training for my marathon, I had counted out 19 weeks back from April 13, 2014 - the day of the London Marathon - and got December 1st. I miscalculated. December 1st is in Week 1...but it is the last day! A la Rick Perry...oops.
Like I said, I caught it before I headed out of the house, so a "walk" with the dogs became my latest step in my marathon quest, i.e. a 40 minute run. I ran one of my usual routes near my friend's house - I am dog-sitting for her. It is a 2 mile loop that I ran twice and to which I added an extra little doohickey (see above). Technically, it was 4.09 miles and I ran it in 43 minutes, but that's including a pit stop for Stella to take care of some paperwork, which I dutifully picked up (I do not like dog owners that do not clean up after their dog!). I did make her carry it back to the house on her collar. I have my limits.
Hopefully, someone is reading this and if you are, welcome! This is where I track my training progress for the 2014 London Marathon. I am 16% of the way to my fundraising goal after only five donations. Those people rock! Please keep checking back here for updates and if you are feeling generous, donate to rhino conservation. I will hopefully have t-shirts available here soon.