After last week's big 20 miler, this week was a piece of cake. I have now entered what is known as "the taper" in the running world - or at least, the training-for-a-marathon world. Not the zoo kind of tapir (of which I have a tattoo), but taper as in less than before. The distance that I will now run each week will be less than the week before in order to give my body time to recover before the marathon.
I had a 50 minute run to start the week and I'm not sure why, but I did run slower than normal. Eh, what can you do? Not every run is the same. I biked for 30 minutes on Tuesday and sprinted on the treadmill on Wednesday - 7:30 per mile for 20 minutes. That's the fastest I've run for the longest period of time in years. It took some mental fortitude to push through it, but I did. I had to go in on my day off to help clean the hippo pool (scuba time!) and I got up early to get a 10 mile run in before the heat got too hot. ;o) All in all, a good week, but I'm ready for the race to be here already!