| Sunday 11/17 - 3.5 miles Wednesday 11/20 - 8 miles Friday 11/22 - 3.45 miles I ran with a friend on Sunday, which is always nice (understatement!). After over a year of training alone, it is refreshing to have a conversation while exercising and most likely burns more calories. |
On Wednesday, I ran with my two friends with whom I ran the Disney Princess Half Marathon in February. We ran-walked 8 miles, which involved Victoria keeping the pace - 1 minute running , 4 minutes walking. It was a different workout for me - I usually just run - and it was pretty challenging in terms of my body not being used to that kind of movement. Aerobically, I was in great shape. My other running friend, Morgan, is running a marathon in about a week, so this method is how she is tackling the second half. She plans to run the first half. At our pace, with this method, I would finish a marathon in 6 hours, which isn't bad considering my tertiary goal for London is under 5 hours - the first two goals being finish, and have fun.
Yesterday was my first day of dog-sitting for a friend and co-worker. When I got to her house, I leashed up Sherman and Stella - her two pitbulls - and headed out. This was my second run with Stella and Sherman. She just adopted Stella from a rescue a few months ago, so I had taken her out for a test run by herself that month. I run with a leash in each hand, with one dog on each side. I ran past a school where kids were walking around a track and the dogs got lots of catcalls. Sherman especially always gets the compliments. Overall, a nice, diverse week of running.