As per usual, nowadays, I was playing Pokemon while running - an extra motivator and caught a special shiny version of Delibird. :-)
![]() Week 1 of my marathon training is complete. I ran the distance run yesterday (5 miles) and it went really well. I feel like I could have run longer, which is a good thing. And surprising considering ym lack of running over the last year. I've pretty much run once every other week. I guess that was enough to not make me completely hopeless. It's pretty much 90% mental anyway. I ended the week having run a total of 13.2 miles. That is using intervals of 3 minutes running and 2 minutes walking as prescribed by my model for training, Marathoning for Mortals. As per usual, nowadays, I was playing Pokemon while running - an extra motivator and caught a special shiny version of Delibird. :-)
So...after my last race (see this post), for which I did little training, but still somehow pulled out a PR, I've decided that it's time to get back into shape - marathon shape, that is. I have a 5K on August 23rd, so in preparation for that (and for marathon training, which officially starts August 25th), I have been running 3 miles at least three times a week since July 22nd. Yesterday marked my 5th day of doing this, and I feel good. Not quite ready to run a marathon, but good nonetheless. I've mapped out my training as well, and my scheduled 10 miler and two half marathons fall on days where I should (according to the book) run 9 miles, 14 miles and 8 miles, respectively. All in all...things are looking up. Now, if it would only get cooler.
Not likely - August and September are the hottest months here in Tampa. :-/ My workouts continue to taper before the race. I tried to push myself on Monday, but as always, the first mile is a warm up for my legs and they never seem to want to go all out in the beginning. I picked up the pace at the end and finished with a sub-10 pace, which isn't terrible. I'm aiming for a 10:00 pace for the first half...I know I can't keep that up for 26 miles. I'm shooting for 11:00 pace for the whole thing. We will see.
I continued my Tuesday ritual - gym circuit - and am happy with my results. I'm doing more of every exercise in each 30 second bout than the previous week. I'm up to 13 pushups in 30 seconds. I had a tempo run on Wednesday on the treadmill. I ran two 10 minute runs at 8 mph or 7:30 pace. Lots of sweat, but definitely gives me some ideas for summer workouts. I had to dive again this week, so I considered 3+ hours of cleaning windows and the bottom of the hippo pool as enough to cover the prescribed workout. And to round out the week, a nice, relaxing 6 mile jaunt past a pond with a six(?) foot alligator in it. I'm happy he didn't come out of the water...and amazed that I noticed him only on my second lap. :) I'm feeling excited and anxious for the race. I've prepared well, but it's been a long 4+ months of training and a lot has happened in my life. I can't wait for London! This week ended with the "Big One" - 20 miles. But, before that...
The week started with an "easy" 60 minute run. I ran at 9:55 pace. Honestly, the beginning of this week feels so long ago that I don't remember much of it. I think I ran the loop behind my apartment, at night? In any case, the Garmin says I did it, so I did it. :) After work on Tuesday, I did my normal gym circuit. Despite skipping it last week, I'm almost to where I was pre-surgery with the push-up number. I'm at 12 in 30 seconds for the first go round. I started dog/house-sitting for a friend on Tuesday night, so on Wednesday, I ran around the local golf course. I tried to push it because I know it helps for the longer runs. I ran at a 9:27 pace. I lifted weights on Friday and then did not prepare well enough for me 20 mile run (in my opinion and in retrospect). 11:48 I woke up at 6 am on Saturday and fed the doggies, then headed to the Upper Tampa Bay Trail for the run. Fortunately, a handyman left his headlamp at my apartment last week, so I had something for the first few miles - it was still dark out (and 64 degrees - red flag #1). I wasn't the only crazy - there was one other group of runners, and I did see the ranger on his Toro putting the water out and clearing the trail. I did have a bit of bad luck early on - at mile 3, my low battery indicator for my Garmin came on (red flag #2) - I squeaked another 6 miles out of it though and was able to find mile markers and time everything just right so I could figure out (and keep track of) the distance I was running. The first 10 miles were pleasant - I watched the sun rise at mile 6.5. And despite the sun disappearing behind clouds at mile 13 and remaining "cool," it went a little downhill from there - the run, not the terrain. I needed to re-fill my water bottles at mile 14 (they lasted me 18 miles two weeks prior) - red flag #3. I also stopped to use the bathroom at mile 15.5 (I kind of needed to go and I was advised to try it since I'm probably going to have to go during the actual marathon). Side note: I've run three half marathons and never used the bathroom once each run started. After each time I stopped, however, it was harder to get back into the running. I pushed myself mentally until mile 18 since I knew I had run that distance before and even though I tried really hard to keep going, it felt like once I hit 18 I lost all steam. I started walking at about 18.2 (I'm guessing since no Garmin) and walked until the end. Even with the walking, I calculated with the time I had on my iPod that it was an 11:48 pace. I have several thoughts about this run. One, I suppose it is good that I experienced all of these red flags now and not for the first time on race day, but it was still a little disheartening. Two, I realize I should have concentrated more on fluids in the days leading up to the run. I did feel I ate well the day before, the morning of, and during the run (energy gels). I just think more water would have helped...because... Three, it was 20 degrees warmer than my 18 mile run and that didn't help at all! I didn't even consider this because 18 came easier than I thought it would. Four, London will help a lot - the crowds, the sites and the fact that it's an actual race, with other people running with me, and it's for the rhinos. Considering all that, I'm happy, but I would have liked to done unbelievably well to give me more confidence. But, then again, like I said, maybe I got all of this out of the way now to help me on April 13th. This was a really good week - filled with a lot of running. On Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, I stayed under 10:00 per mile. I did the cross training as well - more of my circuit and weightlifting - I increased some of the weights on the machines and free weight exercises.
I was anxious all week for Saturday - the 18 mile run - what was (and is) the longest distance I have ever run. The weather could not have been better - at 7:30 am, when I woke up, it was 42 degrees! Very similar to the temperatures I will be experiencing in London in April. I made the short drive to Flatwoods and started the run. I felt shaky for mile 1 - this always happens, just my body getting into a rhythm. The next few miles felt great - I ran the first half of the loop and sidetracked out to the Bruce B. Downs lot, then turned around to finish the first loop. At mile 11 (the end of the first loop), I still felt good. I had been drinking water every mile and had my first energy gel at mile 9 (when they give you the same thing in all the half marathons I've done). It wasn't until mile 14 that I started to have to push myself mentally. I had another energy gel at mile 13, but it was not filling me with anything extra. I had enough in my tank to finish - it was just a mental challenge. I kept telling myself not to look at my Garmin because I would look at it in disbelief that I was not farther along...i.e. I seemed to run 0.2 miles in like 12 minutes. Regardless of my troubles, I finished. I ran 18 miles in 3 hours, 9 minutes and 47 seconds (average of 10:33 per mile pace). I also ran the half marathon in 2 hours, 15 minutes - a personal record! Extrapolating from my time for 18 miles, my marathon time would be 4 hours, 35 minutes and 6 seconds. However, my pace slowed the entire run (with the exception of a "surge" of speed at mile 11 and 12). I'm aiming for under 5 hours as a tertiary goal. Primarily, I want to finish. Secondarily, have a blast. Slightly less involved workouts next week. :) It's hard to believe my marathon is only three months away. Yikes - get donating, people! ;) I finished up the week with a 40 minute weight circuit at the gym for cross training and my endurance run was an easy 6 miles this week. It was 73 degrees and rainy, but still enjoyable. A friend said to me, "You're going to run in the RAIN?" I was like, "Uh..yeah...I'm going to run in whatever." It is supposed to be a more relaxed pace than the other runs and according to my Forerunner, it was - just about 9:59 per mile (that 1 second is important!). Monday's run was a chipper 9:28 per mile. It was only my second run with the Forerunner - it is indeed water-resistant, and found the satellites within minutes. A+ so far. More adventures await. And I wasn't just trying to get you to shamelessly click on my link...I did include an awesome video. Take it away, Waffles! ![]() So, I have wanted a running watch for a while and I finally bought one with my Christmas money. Woo hoo! I had asked all my running friends on facebook for recommendations and they all agreed that for what I wanted (time, pace, distance), the Garmin Forerunner 110 was the one. And that's what I bought - on Amazon - for $120. I was able to try it out for the first time on Monday for my 50 minute run. It was a great run and the 110 was everything I hoped it would be. I found out that I am actually running at a pace faster than I thought - about 9:30 per mile (not 10:00) - as some of the distances I calculated using MayMyRun were not exact. So that was an unexpected bonus. 30 seconds shaved off each mile means 13 minutes less running in a marathon! I continuted my workouts for the week with a sprint-elliptical session and my gym circuit for cross training. Historically, I slack off on the elliptical. I watch an episode of Oz and zone out - not so this time! I calibrated my playlist to play super up-tempo jams and went 3 miles on it in 15 minutes. The gym circuit (the one I started last week) involves 30 seconds of each exercise with 10 seconds of rest in between exercises, which include jumping jacks, wall squats, push-ups, crunches, step-ups, squats, tricep dips, planks, high knees, lunges, push-up rotations, and side planks. And I do that three times in a row. Needless to say, I am so sweaty by the end of it - no earphones (they stopped working the first time I tried this - I think because of the sweat lol). I also had a new workout on Wednesday - a tempo run. This was a "Tempo C" - meaning three 5 minute runs with a 1 minute brisk walk in between. Tempo pace is defined as "a pace just outside your comfort zone, comfortably hard, in which you can talk in short, choppy sentences." I ran the first 5 minutes at 8.5 mph; the second at 8 mph; and the third at 7.5 mph - for a total distance of 2 miles in 15 minutes. It was definitely hard and I had to remain focused (so as not to fall off the treadmill), but it felt good. And now, to enjoy my day of rest. ![]() So, after work today I planned on driving home and walking the dogs - Stella (below left) and Sherman (below right), that is. Well, I had made a large, print-out of my marathon training schedule at work today and figured I would write the dates to correspond with the workouts on it. Luckily, I did...because I found out that TODAY was the first day of my marathon training! I had been chugging along since my last race on Labor Day weekend, thinking 'December 1st...December 1st.' To figure out when I needed to start training for my marathon, I had counted out 19 weeks back from April 13, 2014 - the day of the London Marathon - and got December 1st. I miscalculated. December 1st is in Week 1...but it is the last day! A la Rick Perry...oops. Like I said, I caught it before I headed out of the house, so a "walk" with the dogs became my latest step in my marathon quest, i.e. a 40 minute run. I ran one of my usual routes near my friend's house - I am dog-sitting for her. It is a 2 mile loop that I ran twice and to which I added an extra little doohickey (see above). Technically, it was 4.09 miles and I ran it in 43 minutes, but that's including a pit stop for Stella to take care of some paperwork, which I dutifully picked up (I do not like dog owners that do not clean up after their dog!). I did make her carry it back to the house on her collar. I have my limits. Hopefully, someone is reading this and if you are, welcome! This is where I track my training progress for the 2014 London Marathon. I am 16% of the way to my fundraising goal after only five donations. Those people rock! Please keep checking back here for updates and if you are feeling generous, donate to rhino conservation. I will hopefully have t-shirts available here soon. |
December 2018