It was a great run and the 110 was everything I hoped it would be. I found out that I am actually running at a pace faster than I thought - about 9:30 per mile (not 10:00) - as some of the distances I calculated using MayMyRun were not exact. So that was an unexpected bonus. 30 seconds shaved off each mile means 13 minutes less running in a marathon!
I continuted my workouts for the week with a sprint-elliptical session and my gym circuit for cross training. Historically, I slack off on the elliptical. I watch an episode of Oz and zone out - not so this time! I calibrated my playlist to play super up-tempo jams and went 3 miles on it in 15 minutes. The gym circuit (the one I started last week) involves 30 seconds of each exercise with 10 seconds of rest in between exercises, which include jumping jacks, wall squats, push-ups, crunches, step-ups, squats, tricep dips, planks, high knees, lunges, push-up rotations, and side planks. And I do that three times in a row. Needless to say, I am so sweaty by the end of it - no earphones (they stopped working the first time I tried this - I think because of the sweat lol).
I also had a new workout on Wednesday - a tempo run. This was a "Tempo C" - meaning three 5 minute runs with a 1 minute brisk walk in between. Tempo pace is defined as "a pace just outside your comfort zone, comfortably hard, in which you can talk in short, choppy sentences." I ran the first 5 minutes at 8.5 mph; the second at 8 mph; and the third at 7.5 mph - for a total distance of 2 miles in 15 minutes. It was definitely hard and I had to remain focused (so as not to fall off the treadmill), but it felt good.
And now, to enjoy my day of rest.