I woke up around 7:30am to head down to the hotel's breakfast. I ate some eggs and a bagel with cream cheese. We headed to the Salt Museum (below, second from left) near Onandaga Lake for packet pick-up. Quite a few runners already there, huddled in the warming tent. Loud music was playing, merchandise was there, warm bathrooms were available in the Visitor's Center, and the guy at registration made a big deal that I was from Florida when he looked at my ID. I was told by the race director that there was another person from Florida - there was. I looked at the results after the race and she was from Wesley Chapel...only a few miles from where I live.

The winner was in my age group - 1:17:52, 5:57 pace. I was never lapped by the winner, but I did see him fly by in the opposite direction three times. To me, he seemed like he was sprinting. I'm not sure I'll ever condition myself to run that fast, but it would be nice. New goal? Nah! I'll just keep trucking on my 50 Halfs in 50 States challenge, reaching for a new PR, and entertaining the Seven Continents Marathon Challenge.
I've included some photos of our ride home including the awesome ice covering the granite walls through which the highway winds, as well as the bridges over the Hudson River.